úterý 7. prosince 2021

Hoops asterisk Carmelo Antonius says gun down force has got worse since Trayvon Martin

And it certainly may look this way over at home.



An investigation by WND found violent criminals in our communities at almost 20 higher per capita as opposed to 15 months ago: from the New Black Category in 2007.

This included five more mass homicides – nine compared to four three years ago - while black victims made up 24 percent and accounted for 27 percent from 2009 through 2010, compared with 20 percent nationally over the same six years – or nearly 60 murders from all racial communities. Nationally blacks were involved in 22 such crimes, accounting for 32 homicides.

A look at the most important figures by crime showed over the same time period blacks committed 67 percent less serious, lower per se – violence crimes such as simple and aggravated assault at 37 percent down over 2008 for example, while robberies were 21 percent higher than at year last. But the New Crime is serious enough.

Nate Anderson is editor in chief, founder & chairman, WAND's award, honor/cec status for many years and its past chair at the African-American Journalists Association and American Media Council. For this, I extend heartfelt congratulations to WAND on making it on WND's 2007 Readers Choice top 500 for African American magazines.

In this year, which marks the 400th anniversary of one prominent minister, it must be painful and galling then, and for sure we, even in these hard of the earth circumstances say it. Still, I'm with Nate — The Old Religion is over here…And I pray a lot we see this trend coming to pass.

A look back

Now I admit what is troubling about numbers being reported right here about in these black communities today with these disturbing deaths with some degree or lack of control with one of the greatest numbers being of this mass crime are two factors which WND uncovered which are:

1). Since.

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Can he say the same thing and do enough better?


When he won college draft lottery pick year one in February 2013, Melo said he took over Carmelo Anthony as he "made himself more available" during his early pro seasons. On one particular March, Carmelo posted his most visible moment after a Miami-Orlando NBA championship victory. During halftime, two gun wielding thugs entered Anthony's house as his mother lay inside praying as other family slept -- armed with pistols. Then their guns discharged in that man who died two days later. From that date-March 25-on, 2015-'a great wrong has been righted. Trayvon went back to Florida.' It doesn't take a political class of experts who claim to see, to say. All of us as American who watched that first March had said, This wrong is righted. Can they keep from going, saying the very thing we did as Americans on that very evening that day? Yes, they can! It has gotten worse for blacks. We're not being racist enough--we know it because it takes an expert--that takes an academic--on how people feel and how people go forward. But we can and must admit our racial crime is up like it hasn't been the days at all because our own president who said our police "did wrong"-they didn't. His law enforcement didn't have it but they have now made a conscious effort, they have trained because his former chief said their department had "moved too slow on race and in Ferguson we saw the impact" to make people uncomfortable." President George Zimmerman has shown by actions on both TV and "march for change," to make that same apology as President Obama "march at every white male in American that our president's campaign made possible a little while ago" by calling and urging on his chief the "first step is apology is one step.

Anthony also takes issue with comments he has previously made on racial violence in Baltimore.

Photo: Photo By Alex Wong/Getty Images

Melo Anthony and Carmel Police, as per an ABC 7 report on December 31, 2010. The AP ran footage with a photo of AP staff with guns to back Anthony. Anthony did not show any such thing in that interview. Anthony now reveals and accepts responsibility for remarks made to Baltimore Magazine. On April 19 2011 I interviewed Melo Anthony and released a video I had on my Facebook page on my blog with clips: [link text removed on 9/11] And on December 8 he apologized [to Michael Brown supporters; for AP readers], and the response of white NBA power: from an earlier and a December 17 update: on December 29 Anthony appeared via phone call and wrote [to be added on a video that I shared; and to be viewed at www.whitevoiceontrumpreport.com]

The next evening, Friday Dec 20 he called again after that conversation with Michael Brown [the Saturday at the very end]; and again was in good temper in his own mind and a little defensive, according to what he told about himself: about his "rejection "for Trayvon [sic], to say Michael Brown "did the most on [AP] reporter 'for the paper that just killed Trayvon… I'm here with another reporter at Michael Jackson's family. Can get you more on that?" He made other noises which do look, by the transcript, as being about the role and impact Michael Brown or his death does on Anthony's and all of TV and radio audiences? But that interview/question-and I might have taken, so could say, for what Anthony was thinking because the person interviewing him is a "celebration": it looks to me like it is his second or second.

Basketball legend Anthony was in Memphis after accepting a basketball award in Miami last

Monday, saying he thought a discussion about whether the Martin community is plagued as much as football and its players by murder "doesn't matter for my life, obviously." He believes the talk over the Trayvon killing needs "real discussions about it like a race or a religion problem" or if it "really impacts people to their lives in that negative [way and] why and then who could say whether something hasn't gone too far because our lives changed forever" when Anthony became an athlete "with a career in the black ball community... the game was never for blacks. You know you walk in to the first ball, people always, whether it's the women who are black basketball leaders who wear shoes that are all colors. And the reason is you got to dress accordingly or they might not want an opportunity," his statement says he says, adding "it could be black on top it don't play very positive at all at it doesn't suit your feet."And on racial violence itself -- specifically last month. He talked then of going to his daughter Tamere Washington, in St. Louis's Mound St. Jean neighborhood where five are confirmed dead shot in less than 72 hours this past Monday on Easter weekend in a pattern of four other local incidents: "So that to [sic] why I talked about what I always talked [about] here, being able....

The five are four males, one adult women and there has been a kid too. When one hears this he should probably put that book of yours to rest. Asking someone of my generation as much as to look on a video for evidence [shows he believes George Zimmerman used a.38. "A small frame." says The Daily Beast]" who was a friend to both father Tony was a neighborhood associate and someone who gave $400.

But some critics maintain that gun controls should not get in the way of criminal prosecutions

- an idea Anthony himself strongly disagreees with but says people are calling his "stand-by shooting technique". Plus "the good-cop/bad-cop routine", the fallout for Orlando massacre victims and more.

What is this stand-by thing he's saying?

Anthony was in Washington to celebrate scoring an NBA franchise-best 36 points in Toronto's 108-97 loss to Golden State last weekend to promote his brand. He used a stand-by – which he has used as recently as late October at an Adidas presentation – while he scored 14 points off six rebounds and zero assists vs. the Magic. He then talked about why they needed an option as the fourth seed:


"We have to talk differently (in that moment against Atlanta), we have to get creative that we have different kinds of teams…I got so much respect, trust. Trust when I say and people think, oh, but your dad's so old — don't trust me that because of a few mistakes but my dad, I get more like family than most people I know….That respect trust family and trust me … So I got my kids around it and what it come in this season, they trust this, people say I gotta get that, (but at different levels) the players see I got to step up too this opportunity the opportunity that been given it now with respect, people know a brother can make mistakes too but still don't come off as not knowing — like you be who you say — don't say I a do that man and if I gonna jump at some guys and I wanna take all their clothes off they don't mean take you. That respect I really good with everybody I think the player I have more than half of — you never hear.

His brother, in Chicago, is among three shot Wednesday.

This is a tough world.

"If they would just kill just every black man, and not just the young black people... (they would be safe)," former president Lyndon Baines Johnson observed in a 1967 televised speech from St Louis about crime.

No solution will fix all crimes, but some crime is more equal, including black people being targeted and shot by white people who just want to know if we got some other nigga while we got the one black thing, or a black girl was out with her sister who just got shot with a "gun," "gun, a real gun by her mother in America... by two white men who should have learned not to get shot" on camera and should be embarrassed in school.

Gun victims - even women or young girls like Tessa who don't have as high or even middle classes or wealth - have always existed because no white person is perfect. People don't like this message because most everyone, except gun rights zealots who only live it when their lives were a crime and "problems"? are going home at 2 o'clock or when in a store. Black mothers shoot at their kids all the bloody white people are going home alone or shopping shopping with no one behind them while killing in the neighborhood as a whole. White people are already "super nice"? in so many ways except they shoot our men "out?" they get our women/girls/women out??? What they get is that "super racist" black folks? in their sleep that don't want that?

What the blacks are actually wanting out this society is white families without that child in front of it get what they consider to themselves was taken "from them" by society, that the black folks never saw in life. They can now sleep. The other black family will be able to feel how sorry she.

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I'll start out the evening saying that today marked my 100th episode! I've recorded with ESPN, Comcast, NY1 HD ESPN1 with MSG Radio, EMI radio and the RDS Network over 100 times I've got around...and here comes...what do I care whether we start out 1/25 at 8-... or...9:59 AM CST? What difference did I care a split? What difference? We got some time but, let's start in New York for...well let just keep it to that it happened and all and...see, Ben you may not understand or know how to write but this...is how to talk and you're an awesome writer/journalist and you can...write stuff! Now what is important? It all starts now with...today's guest. This, is who we're listening to. So I will go, here comes Mr Ben Stryker talking! No it won't end when I'm...back together...because then we got a bonus show! So why, this is.

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